Нарковойна в Мексике

19.05.12 10:10 | Goblin | 34 комментария »


Since Mexico's President Felipe Calderón began an all-out assault on drug cartels in 2006, more than 50,000 people have lost their lives across the country in a nearly-continuous string of shootouts, bombings, and ever-bloodier murders. Just last weekend, 49 decapitated bodies were reportedly discovered on a highway in northern Mexico. The New York Times reports on an increasing numbness and apathy among Mexicans after years of worsening carnage, about which they've been able to do virtually nothing. Gathered here is a collection of recent photographs from Mexico's drug war and the people so horribly affected by it.
Mexico's Drug War: 50,000 Dead in 6 Years

В демократической Бразилии почти столько же убивают за год.
Но бомбить будут Сирию.

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отправлено 19.05.12 10:21 # 4

отличный коммент:

I've got to tell you a couple of things: Mexico is a 112 million poeple country, 50k don't really make a difference, especially if they are criminals. There are far more dead of diabetes related diseases (80,000@year), which IS concernig but nobody cares about them because there are no sensational bloody images to feed morbosity.

ANOTHER FACT. according to the UN Brazil had 44000 people murdered IN JUST ONE YEAR, 2010, which makes that country's murder per 100,000 rate higher than Mexico's. Are the Brazilians complaining? NO, they say they are "the best country in the world" these days. So are the Brazilians manlier than the ones sobbing day in and day out about this? (I'll let you answer this).

EVEN MORE: Americans ususally raise their eyebrows and go "tsk, tsk" about this and that's it, but 90% of the weapons confiscated to drug dealers in Mexico were bought in Texas and Arizona gunshops. Shouldn't the US do something to restrict gun sales? YES Are they? NO, because it "limits their freedom". How convenient.

DON'T CRY FOR ME: Mexico has the largest economy of the Spanish speaking world including Spain, it is the 11th economy in the world, it's exports are larger than all of Latin American countries put together, it's GDP is growing at a faster rate than the US' these days, it receives 22.4 million tourists@year, second only to the US' figures in The Americas and is 10th of the world's Top Ten list of world tourism, migration is at it's lowest in 40 years. We're actually a booming country that doesn't need pity (and doesn't deserve criticism).

Thank you very much.

отправлено 19.05.12 10:43 # 7

Кому: elche, #6

> Комментарий писал, видимо, местный либерал.

Как и любой бандитизм, оно не сильно касается большинства населения.

Сидя в Москве не видно, чем занят в станице Кущёвской гражданин Цапок.

Можно спокойно говорить про демократию, разоблачать сталинизм, а что там где-то кого-то режут, вешают, стреляют - кому какое дело?

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