Зверская досада

19.01.01 20:08 | Goblin | 33 комментария »


Забрался на одну из своих любимейших страничек — [страничку ДжэффаК], и увидел там вот что:
Website visitors,
As the result of our ongoing legal investigation, this website has been shut down for various pro-hacking information / utilities / breaches of law. It is common knowledge that "Jeff K." (aka Jeffrey Bennings) was involved in a multitude of underground "hacking attacks" placed against various legitimate businesses, websites, and public figures. His homepage was a dedicated tribute to his work, based in and around server exploitations, "backdoor" access methods, and a wide array of illegal hacking techniques.
In the summer of 1998, two FBI agents were tipped off regarding the nature of Jeffrey Bennings' site and the information contained within. Immediately thereafter, a full-scale investigation was launched and a team of 10 computer security experts were sent to fully probe and examine his site. Shortly after releasing their findings to the FBI Board of Directors, Jeffrey Bennings was made a top "priority" by our cyberspace investigation division.
As of the 18th of January, 2001, Jeffrey Bennings is in legal custody and his website has been removed pending a full investigation and trial. The FBI takes the malicious acts of cracking and hacking very seriously, and malicious Internet criminals such as Jeffrey Bennings must be stopped as soon as possible.
We apologize for the removal of this website and its contents, but cyber-security is a very serious crime, and Jeffrey Bennings will be punished to the fullest extent of the law.
Thank you for your understanding,
Jerry Peterson
Director, FBI Cyber Crime Division
Блин, если Lowtax действительно прикрыл сайт — это самое большая досада с тех пор, как я вылез в интернет :(((

Thnx RWolf

Подписывайся на канал в Дзен

Goblin рекомендует заказать лендинг в megagroup.ru

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отправлено 19.01.01 20:25 # 2

Надеюсь - готовят прикол.

отправлено 21.01.01 19:07 # 25

Камрады, речь только о том, закроет он, Лоутакс, свою страницу или нет.
Сам закроет - по причинам, им указанным ранее.

Джеффа, если кто не знает - нет :)
Это пишет Лоутакс.

Про арест - это хохма.
Но дело в том, что он давно говорит о том, что хочет сайт закрыть - это убыточное мероприятие.
Будет обидно, если закроет :(((

отправлено 24.01.01 05:53 # 31

Другана зовут Джерри.

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