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[Первый] интересный — от Джорджа Брассара, одного из создателей Дюка Нюкема. Брассар пишет про свои впечатления от одной из первых встреч с Джоном Кармаком:
At a small Chinese restaurant, over dinner, a simple
question was asked of John Carmack. We wondered how he
was able to do such amazing things with his engines
(back then — a smooth scrolling platform game engine was
a big deal).
He looked up from his dinner and with all due modesty just
"Well, I like to think I'm pretty good at what I do."
Потом добавляет:
Ten years, and many engines later, it's no different.
Last night John sent a shockwave through the world of gaming
that will be felt for years. We got a peek at Doom 3 — or
at least it's engine.
Yup, he's pretty damned good as what he does all right :)
Камрады, есть мнение, что мистер Брассар — не дурнее паровоза, и потому кусочек "про DOOM III" — скорее все-таки крутой, чем не очень крутой.
Ну а сам The Carmack разразился
[.plan'ом] посерьезнее.
The short answer is that the GeForce 3 is fantastic.
Mama Carmake didant raize no fool!