> Дмитрий Юрьевич, извините за оффтоп, но давно хотел спросить. Каким образом проходила раскрутка фильма Snatch, учитывая, мягко говоря, не вполне приличный характер названия?
> вообше то слово Snatch не является матершиной потому и могли писать на афишах
> просто у этого слова есть еще другое значение типа Dick
Привожу поясняющий анекдот:
Harry and his wife are driving in the country when he sees a sign that says, "Cow For Sale...$5000." He pulls in and says to the farmer, "There's no cow in the world worth five thousand dollars." The farmer says, Oh, yeah? Take a look at this." He lifts the cow's tail, and Harry sees the cow has a snatch just like a woman.
Harry gets back in the car, turns to his wife, and says, "It's just not fair. Here's this farmer with a cow with a snatch like a woman, and it's worth $5000, and here I am, with you, with a snatch like a cow, and you're not worth shit."
Плюс кому интересно, вот что говаривал сам Гай Ричи по поводу:
One of the talking points is the fact that the movie's been through, I think by my estimation, three different titles, maybe if you could talk us through that.
Guy Ritchie: Yes, we've had a problem titling this film from the beginning. I was never happy with... originally it was called "Diamonds", I think. I was keen on "Helter-Skelter", but apparently Charles Manson massacred several people to the sound of "Helter-Skelter," and wrote Helter-Skelter in their blood on the walls. So it wasn't an inspiring or auspicious title for the States, so "Helter-Skelter" got parked up. Then it turned into "Diamonds", just because the narrative follows the trajectory of a diamond, which then wattled it's way down to "Snatch". I don't know why because there's absolutely no snatch in it. But you know, I wanted the antithesis of "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels", that being such a mouthful, not that "Snatch" isn't. There is a reason for it being called "Snatch" because people snatch things. But because it's such a short sort of arresting title I sort of fancied that.
Were the film company concerned in any way, particularly in America about the sexual connotations of the...
Guy Ritchie: Yes, well they won't stomach it, they won't stomach "Snatch". No, we can't call it "Snatch" in America. So we put an apostrophe and a 'd' on the end. So we got round that one.